Monday, June 6, 2011

Behind the Bench: Dick Umile

Behind the Bench: Dick Umile

In Behind the Bench, College Hockey, Inc. will introduce college hockey head coaches from around the country and provide some insight into their approach, their program and their background, in their own words.

Our third subject is New Hampshire’s Dick Umile, who will enter his 22nd season with the Wildcats in 2011-12.


The best way to describe your coaching style?

Offensive, aggressive, puck control

Your favorite part of coaching?

Relationships with players and staff

Your least favorite part of coaching?

Dealing with the complexity of the rules and the need to recruit younger

The most important thing your assistant coaches do for you?

Recruiting and assisting in all aspects of team development

Your favorite thing about college hockey?

The relationships that both coaches and players develop through the years

Your favorite place on campus outside the rink?

Dining hall. It provides the largest opportunity to interact with the student body

Something unique or noteworthy about your school?

13,000 students, minutes from the beach, and they all want to go to the hockey game

The best advice you could give a young player hoping to make Division I?

Take care of what you can control, academics and athletically. Most important skill: competitiveness.

The best advice you would give parents of a young hockey player?

Relax and do not stop being your kid’s Advisor because he is a hockey player.

The best advice you ever got?

Make sure they know you care!

The most important trait you look for in a player?

Does he make others that he play with better?

The biggest win of your career?

Beating Cornell / Michigan State to get to the NCAA Final.

A game you look forward to each year?

The first one.


Your biggest coaching influence?

Joe Hoague (High School Football Coach)

An NHL coach you admire?

Bruce Boudreau

A coach you admire outside of hockey?

Chip Kelley (Oregon football)

A former player you’re particularly proud of?

Honestly, it would be a crime to single out just one. We have been blessed with many that our program is extremely proud of!!

An unsung hero in your program (on or off the ice)?

Colin Shank, Team Manager, Graduate Assistant, now our Director of Hockey Operations



Jim Collins


Good to Great

Web site

Vacation spot


Pro team


Sport besides hockey


Time of year

Spring (NCAA playoffs)