Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Behind the Bench: Mike Schafer

Behind the Bench: Mike Schafer

In Behind the Bench, College Hockey, Inc. will introduce college hockey head coaches from around the country and provide some insight into their approach, their program and their background, in their own words.

Our seventh subject is Cornell’s Mike Schafer, who will enter his 17th season with the Big Red in 2011-12.


The best way to describe your coaching style?

Fair, consistent

Your favorite part of coaching?

Helping find what works as a group of players and individuals.

Your least favorite part of coaching?

Being away from family.

Your favorite thing about college hockey?

The passion that students and alumni have for their school.

Your favorite place on campus outside the rink?

The view from Libe Slope.

The best advice you could give a young player hoping to make Division I?

Be patient.

The best advice you would give parents of a young hockey player?

Keep them at home as long as possible.

The best advice you ever got?

Trust your instincts.

The most important trait you look for in a player?

Intrinsic drive.

The biggest win of your career?

Still looking for it.

A game you look forward to each year?

First game, to see what we have for a new journey.


Your biggest coaching influence?

Don McKee

An NHL coach you admire?

Barry Trotz

A coach you admire outside of hockey?

Tony Dungy

A former player you’re particularly proud of?

Mike Tallman

An unsung hero in your program (on or off the ice)?

Andy Noel



Malcolm Gladwell


Good to Great

TV show




Vacation spot

Palm Beach, Florida

Pro team

All of the teams my former players play for

Sport besides hockey


Time of year



God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference