Friday, June 3, 2011

Behind the Bench: Paul Pearl

Behind the Bench: Paul Pearl

In Behind the Bench, College Hockey, Inc. will introduce college hockey head coaches from around the country and provide some insight into their approach, their program and their background, in their own words.

Our second subject is Holy Cross’s Paul Pearl, who will enter his 17th season with the Crusaders in 2011-12.


The best way to describe your coaching style?


Your favorite part of coaching?

Running up-tempo practices and learning about my players.

The most important thing your assistant coaches do for you?

Help find good players.

Your favorite thing about college hockey?

The speed of play and the togetherness of our team.

Your favorite place on campus outside the rink?

Linden Lane. Prettiest college entrance in the United States.

Something unique or noteworthy about your school?

25 percent of our student body are Division I athletes.

The best advice you could give a young player hoping to make Division I?

Keep your grades up to increase your options. (Click for more from Coach Pearl and his colleagues.)

The best advice you would give parents of a young hockey player?

Don’t waste money on summer hockey tournaments. (Click for more from Coach Pearl and his colleagues.)

The best advice you ever got?

You can’t always out talent, but you can always out work.

The most important trait you look for in a player?

Hockey sense

The biggest win of your career?

Tie – Holy Cross 4, Minnesota 3 in the 2006 NCAA Tourney and Holy Cross 4, Canisius 3 in the 1999 MAAC Tourney (first title in school history)

A game you look forward to each year?



Your biggest coaching influence?

Jeff Jackson

An NHL coach you admire?

Mike Keenan

A coach you admire outside of hockey?

Bill Parcells

A former player you’re particularly proud of?

Blair Bartlett

An unsung hero in your program (on or off the ice)?

Matt Gordon



Nelson Demille


Huckleberry Finn

TV show

The Office



Web site

Vacation spot

Cape Cod

Pro team

Here we go Bruins, here we go.

Sport besides hockey



“Remember this your lifetime through –
Tommorrow their will be more to do …
And failure waits for all who stay
With some success made yesterday …
Tommorrow, you must try once more
And even harder than before”

It’s on the wall beside my desk.