Monday, July 18, 2011

Behind the Bench: Jeff Jackson

Behind the Bench: Jeff Jackson

In Behind the Bench, College Hockey, Inc. will introduce college hockey head coaches from around the country and provide some insight into their approach, their program and their background, in their own words.

Our 11th subject is Notre Dame’s Jeff Jackson, who will enter his seventh season with the Fighting Irish in 2011-12.


The best way to describe your coaching style?

Puck Possession / Puck Pressure

Your favorite part of coaching?

Teaching in practice and the relationships with players (past, present and future).

Your least favorite part of coaching?

The off-season.

The most important thing your assistant coaches do for you?

Have integrity and be trustworthy.

Your favorite thing about college hockey?

The passion of the players and the game atmosphere..

Your favorite place on campus outside the rink?

The Grotto.

Something unique or noteworthy about your school?

Feeling the storied tradition all around you.

The best advice you could give a young player hoping to make Division I?

You control your attitude, effort and enthusiasm. Use these characteristics to realize your potential on the ice and in the classroom.

The best advice you could give parents of a young player?

Let coaches coach and parents parent.

The best advice you ever got?

It is easier to build a boy than to mend a man (also a favorite quote).

The most important trait you look for in a player?

Passion and selflessness.

The biggest win of your career?

Watching my players graduate.

A game you look forward to each year?

Playing Michigan at Yost.


Your biggest coaching influence?

Ron Mason.

An NHL coach you admire?

Mike Babcock, Detroit

A coach you admire outside of hockey?

Bill Belichick.

A former player you’re particularly proud of?

Doug Weight.

An unsung hero in your program (on or off the ice)?

Tony Rolinski (our strength and conditioning coach).



Michael Shaara


The Killer Angels

TV Network

The History Channel


The Natural and The Patriot (Mel Gibson not Steven Seagal)

Web site

Vacation spot

Salmon fishing on the Kenai River in Alaska

Pro team

Detroit Red Wings / Tigers

Sport besides hockey


Time of year

Fall — hockey season


“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln