Monday, July 11, 2011

Behind the Bench: Wayne Wilson

Behind the Bench: Wayne Wilson

In Behind the Bench, College Hockey, Inc. will introduce college hockey head coaches from around the country and provide some insight into their approach, their program and their background, in their own words.

Our 10th subject is RIT’s Wayne Wilson, who will enter his 13th season with the Tigers in 2011-12.


The best way to describe your coaching style?

I would describe myself as a player’s coach. We will play a very upbeat aggressive style and try and make things happen by creating chances with our actions instead of waiting for things to happen. I want my players to enjoy coming to the rink and have fun trying to accomplish our goals. Having fun doesn’t mean that we are not going to work hard and there won’t be a lot of sweat. I always tell my players to play hard, be smart and have fun.

Your favorite part of coaching?


Your least favorite part of coaching?

Administrative duties.

The most important thing your assistant coaches do for you?

Recruiting and one on one teaching with our players

Your favorite thing about college hockey?

The excitement and the energy the buildings have in them when it’s game night.

Your favorite place on campus outside the rink?

Our Sport Zone restaurant.

Something unique or noteworthy about your school?

Our Co-Op program is unique where most colleges don’t have this program.

The best advice you could give a young player hoping to make Division I?

My best advice is to work hard and have fun. Play in the present and don’t worry about where you are going to play in the futute.

The best advice you ever got?

Just have fun.

The most important trait you look for in a player?

Hockey sense.

The biggest win of your career?

The biggest win of my career is winning the NCAA title as a player in 1984 and winning the NCAA Regionals to go to the Frozen Four in 2010.

A game you look forward to each year?

Our Homecoming game.


Your biggest coaching influence?

I would say Jerry York at Boston College is my biggest coaching influence along with a number of others who helped shape my coaching philosophy.

An NHL coach you admire?

Mike Babcock, Detroit

A coach you admire outside of hockey?

Outside of hockey I like how Bill Belichick coaches in New England.

A former player you’re particularly proud of?

I have too many players I’ve coached that I’m proud of. The traits I liked in all of them are unselfishness, leaders on and off the ice and in most cases were not the best players but guys that exceeded expectations both on and off the ice.

An unsung hero in your program (on or off the ice)?

Our administrative staff who have supported hockey so well over the years.



James Patterson


The Carolina Way

TV show

Law and Order


Shawshank Redemption

Web site

Vacation spot


Pro team

Detroit Red Wings

Sport besides hockey


Time of year
