Friday, June 8, 2012
Visors Among NCAA Rules Topics

The NCAA Ice Hockey Rules Committee has recommended taking the next steps in exploring the use of three-quarter visors and made a handful of other minor rules changes coming out of its meetings this week in Indianapolis.
The committee, chaired by Niagara athletic director Ed McLaughlin, will work with the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports to gather more data and further explore the rules, which currently call for players to wear full facial protection.
The hockey committee’s hope is that “a partnership with the competitive-safeguards committee and other hockey organizations (for example, National Hockey League, USA Hockey, United States Hockey League) will lead to the use of visors,” according to an article on That article notes that surveys showed 83% of players and the overwhelming majority of coaches favored using a three-quarter visor.
“Our coaches and student-athletes feel the game will be played with more respect, and players will play with less of a sense of invincibility,” said McLaughlin. “We’ve talked about the visors, but also about softer padding in general as another important part of this.”
Other changes
Other rules changes that were proposed (and would be in effect with the approval of the Playing Rules Oversight Committee in July):
- Giving conferences (and non-conference opponents) the option to use four-on-four, five minute overtime periods;
- Making hand passes illegal in all areas of the ice and not allowing the offending team to change if a hand pass was whistled in the defensive zone;
- Changing rules regarding goals scored with the net temporarily dislodged from its mooring or when scored off a skate so as to more closely mirror the policies set forth in the NHL;
- Mandating the two-referee, two-linesman system for men’s hockey; and
- Allowing on-ice officials to review game disqualification penalties after the game ends.
Representatives of the committee will meet with the competitive safeguards committee next week to begin taking the next steps on the visor issue and other player safety measures.
Finally, the committee approved the appointment of Michigan State head coach Tom Anastos as its new chair, beginning Sept. 1.