Thursday, December 20, 2012
NHL Network Radio Welcomes Snee
College Hockey, Inc. Executive Director visits with Hockey This Morning.

NHL Network Radio has been a great resource for hockey-starved fans during the NHL lockout, with the “Hockey This Morning” show including a weekly segment highlighting the college game.
Thursday, to wrap up the first half of the season, College Hockey, Inc. Executive Director Mike Snee joined the program:
Mike Snee on NHL Network Radio
In addition to Snee’s thoughts on the first half, the World Junior Championship, holiday tournaments and more, co-hosts Mike Brophy and Mike Ross shared their impressions of NCAA hockey.
Brophy, formerly of The Hockey News and on Twitter at @HockeyBroph, shared his first college hockey experience, when he visited Western Michigan to see his godson, Daryl Moore, play.
First impression
“I can’t remember having as much fun at a hockey game as I did that night at Western Michigan,” Brophy recalls. “If I was going to sell someone on the product I would simply take them to a game. You go to a game, you’re going to fall in love with the atmosphere.
“I walked out of there thinking, ‘Wow, have I ever been missing the boat.'”
NHL Network Radio will continue its coverage of college hockey in the New Year, with or without the NHL back on the ice. Ross and his usual co-host, Mick Kern, have planned a trip to Rochester, N.Y., when they will catch the Jan. 12 RIT game against Bentley.
NHL Network Radio is available on SiriusXM (Sirius channel 207, XM 92), and Hockey This Morning’s college segment typically runs on Thursdays.