Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Warrior Ice Breaker Tournament To Broadcast Live

The 2010 Warrior Ice Breaker Tournament will be held this weekend in St. Louis with games beginning Friday, October 8 at 5:30 p.m. EST and broadcast on www.HockeyPrimetime.com.
The tournament will feature four of the nation’s premier hockey programs: Boston University, Holy Cross, Notre Dame and Wisconsin. Holy Cross will take on Notre Dame at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 8, and Boston University faces off against Wisconsin at 8:30 p.m. The tournament’s consolation game will be played at noon on Sunday, Oct. 10, and the championship game follows at 3 p.m.
Hockey fans can subscribe to a PPV broadcast with access to all four games for $9.95 via Hockey Primetime’s website (listed above). In addition, Hockey Primetime’s Justin Bourne and Blake Benzel will be hosting a live blog during each game for college hockey fans to interact with each other and the writers, during the broadcast.
“Broadcasting the Warrior Ice Breaker Collegiate Hockey Tournament from Scotttrade Center is just the beginning. Hockey Primetime will certainly add an exciting new dimension to the collegiate hockey base while providing enhanced online and mobile streaming presence with the ease of live access and visibility,” said Samuel Eng, Primetime Radio’s Chief Executive Officer.
“College Hockey, Inc. is excited to be working with Hockey Primetime to grow and increase the awareness of college hockey and to bring the great action at this year’s Warrior Ice Breaker tourney to all fans,” said Kevin Lovitt, Senior Director, Business Operations. “The Icebreaker officially serves as the kick off to the new season by pitting four of the top teams in America, and this year is no different with Boston University, Holy Cross, Notre Dame and last year’s NCAA finalist, the University of Wisconsin.”
ABOUT HOCKEY PRIMETIME: Established in 2007, Hockey Primetime is a dynamic, fully featured online hockey community, whose mission is to bring and promote hockey to the masses, with NHL-credentialed journalists and broadcasters across North America. Its interactive features include a social networking website and live or on-demand internet radio/video streaming through its parent company, Primetime Radio, Inc.
ABOUT COLLEGE HOCKEY, INC: College Hockey, Inc is the educational and promotional arm of the 58 NCAA Division I men’s hockey programs. Under the direction of Executive Director and former NHL Players’ Association head Paul Kelly, College Hockey, Inc is the primary information resource for prospective student athletes on NCAA Division I Men’s Ice Hockey. Combining a comprehensive education and marketing campaign focused on elite young players, with innovative business initiatives, improved special events, and new television and digital opportunities, College Hockey, Inc.’s mission is to broaden the exposure and raise the profile of NCAA college hockey.